08/22/21 Difference Between Secular and Christian Intellectual? (Church)

08/22/21 Difference Between Secular and Christian Intellectual? (Church)

What is forgiveness? All thoughts are lies. Biblical Q: What's the difference between a secular intellectual and a Christian intellectual?

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, August 22, 2021: Rest in peace, John Williams. PSA: Don't blindly trust people who come to church. Jesse is not your emergency doctor! Amazing Men's Conference last week — thank you!

While taking questions and comments, Jesse talks about the depths of what forgiveness means: God takes the spirit of anger out of you, and replaces it with His spirit.

Have you forgiven? Do you still get angry at times? Do you ever say, "Get behind me, Satan"? Are you convinced that all thoughts are lies? One newcomer asks about this.

Finally, we talk about the Biblical Question: What's the difference between a secular intellectual and a Christian intellectual? One studies science, while the other studies theology — but neither know God.

0:00 Pre-church talk
1:48 Welcome to Church
2:23 RIP John Williams
6:27 Blind trust is unwise
8:59 Not your emergency doc
12:54 Man on forgiveness
24:45 What is forgiveness?
34:26 16yo on anger
37:32 School masks
42:15 Mary on thoughts
45:06 What forgiveness is
49:25 Get behind me, Satan?
59:37 Seeing is enough
1:01:01 Michael on thoughts, anger
1:11:53 Biblical Q
1:12:27 Hassan
1:19:24 Secular vs Christian intellectual
1:31:25 Jesse's answer
1:35:37 Closing

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/08-22-21-difference-between-secular-and-christian-intellectual-church/

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer

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