Being courageous and owning your own truth does not mean we have to be loud, aggressive and impose our truths on other. Actually, it is quite the opposite. Here we take a closer look at the evolution of transition, as we touch in with our nudges to sit and own who we are. Then, from this place of serenity and wholeness, we can live our truth in awe and wonder, being a lighthouse for those who want to connect and not a warrior against those who do not. Thanks to Dave Fleming (https://www.loveperiod.org/renewingweek2/) and Janet Namaste (https://www.instagram.com/tv/CRRdnffAbSL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) for inspiring this week's content. And as always, more information can be found at www.ChristinCollins.com #optimalwellbeing #optimalhealth #love #selflove #selfcare #organizationalhealth #organizationalwellbeing #purpose #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #emotionalhealth #wellbeing #health #wellness #rootcause #communityhealth #interconnectedwellbeing #herphoenixrising #be.love #finditwithinyourself #rawrealtalks