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Top 5 Popular Drugs That Cause Massive Health Problems
We live in a world of prescription drugs… especially in the US. If you have a problem, we’ve got a drug and your doctor won’t ask about your health, life-style, diet, exercise or supplements. I don’t blame them…
They learned about none of that in medical school.
It was all about drugs. How to deal with the symptoms, not the cause.
There is no such thing as “preventative”, it’s all about putting a big bandaid on a problem and over time, add more and more bandaids in the form of more and more drugs.
Don’t get me wrong - my background is in pharmacology, which is the study of drugs. They are super powerful and amazing.
But NOT to be used long-term.
They are designed for extreme cases and short-term use.
But hey, where’s the money on that?
There is none
So, let’s make drugs easily prescribable and addictive - this is the way to make billions of dollars, year after year, decade after decade.
However, that’s not my philosophy. You can fix 95% of health problems naturally -- diet, exercise, stress management and supplements.
With that said, today I’m going to list 5 very popular prescription drugs that cause lots of damage to your health -- body and mind.
I'll talk about:
-Proton Pump Inhibitors
-Statin Drugs
-Antidepressants & Anti-Anxiety
-Sleep Medications
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