One thousand subscribers. I honestly never thought I'd get to this point. This is a huge milestone for me, and I'm excited to see what's coming next!
For this special occasion, I present to you a Plants Vs. Zombies Mashup! I have taken all songs from the original PvZ, and remixed them into a 7-minute long song! Through the extensive research me, PeaMix and Excalibur624 have done, we managed to get almost all original samples from PvZ2! Special thanks to them :)
Here you'll be able to hear Far Future-styled Braniac Maniac, Jurassic Marsh-themed Cerebrawl, Neon Mixtape Tour Ultimate Battle and many more!
I hope you'll enjoy this, and thank you again for supporting this channel!
The harmonica you hear at 2:36 was sampled from Jurassic Marsh's Ultimate Battle (https://youtu.be/bkOLFciHvTw , at 1:25, composed by Peter McConnell).
Tags: #plantsvszombies #pvz2 #mashup #pvz #music