Moms suing NYC schools say lawsuit could help Mayor de Blasio

Moms suing NYC schools say lawsuit could help Mayor de Blasio

The New York Supreme court will host a hearing over remote learning on Wednesday, with a group of New York City parents calling for the full reopening of city schools and true in-person learning.

The parents filed the lawsuit against the Department of Education and Mayor Bill de Blasio back in May, demanding that schools be open fully, five days a week, in the fall for the new academic year.

While the mayor and NYC Schools Chancellor Meisha Ross Porter have, so far, said the plans are for only in-person learning in the fall, some parents are concerned that will change before classes resume.

Two city moms, Natalya Murakhver and Laura Gilman, spoke with the PIX11 Morning News on Wednesday to explain their concerns and what they're fighting for with the lawsuit.

Gilman even said she believes the lawsuit will help de Blasio.

"He's up against a lot. The teachers, they have this awesome, really incredible union behind them, and our kids have nobody, except for us parents," Gilman said. "And I think the mayor needs us parents to be up there fighting for the kids, because that's going to help him fight for our kids."

The moms also explained what parents feeling similarly can do to help and speak out.

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