Mistakes CORRECTED/Harry & Meg DUPING/2 books/support 4 The Queen/Friends POISED 2 retaliate

Mistakes CORRECTED/Harry & Meg DUPING/2 books/support 4 The Queen/Friends POISED 2 retaliate

Please sign Lady Colin Campbell's Petition inviting Prince Harry to ask The Queen to put his titles & royal status into abeyance. https://www.change.org/p/the-public-invitation-to-prince-harry-to-request-the-queen-to-put-his-titles-into-abeyance?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_28949031_en-GB%3A8&recruiter=1205195839&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition

🇬🇧 Book order https://www.amazon.co.uk/Meghan-Harry-Lady-Colin-Campbell/dp/1916131719

In the hundred and seventy-second episode Lady Colin Campbell corrects errors and recalls meeting the Dick Cavetts in the 70s before examining the conflicting reports about Harry's 4 book deal, revealing information concerning the reality/gameplan behind the hype; discusses the feasibility and otherwise of the public embarking on demonstrations to show support for The Queen and the Royal Family; discusses whether Diana tried to turn her sons against their father; confirms that the one unforgivable in royal and aristocratic circles is betraying trust and why Harry's friends will turn on him if he betrays their secrets or sucks them into scenarios they do not want to be a part of; how the Royal Family is trying to staunch the flow from Harry and Meghan but are trying to do so decently instead of emulating the couple's modus operandi; gives her opinion on Meghan's qualifications for writing a book on wellness; and ends on a lighthearted note contrasting Harry and Meghan's conduct with that of the most famous queen of a century ago and her king, stating her belief that this latter day royal couple would have been equally devoted to duty had they had the prospect of sitting on a throne.

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