Career Camp: My Vision, My Accommodations, My Own Advocate! (Day 4)

Career Camp: My Vision, My Accommodations, My Own Advocate! (Day 4)

Academy Audience:
- 14-22 years old

Session Title:
- Session 4: My Vision, My Accommodations, My Own Advocate!

- During today’s camp session, campers will learn what accommodations and modifications are appropriate to ask for in the work environment. They will learn the difference between an accommodation and a modification. Campers will use JAWs or ZoomText to take notes during camp, and during the extension activity.

- Amber Hap and Jennifer Stelmach

Primary Core or ECC Area:
- Career Education, Self-Advocacy

Prerequisite Knowledge:
- Basic understanding of JAWs and/or ZoomText. How to use an internet search engine, open a blank document, take notes, and touch typing.

Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of what accommodations and modifications are appropriate to ask for in a workplace. Campers will use JAWs or ZoomText to take notes during camp on requesting appropriate accommodations, and during the extension activity.

Material Needed:
- APH provided materials (JAWS or ZoomText), Computer, Word processing program on computer.


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