BIDEN DID IT! Unemployment Extension UPDATE FPUC PUA Unemployment Benefit SSI NEW EXECUTIVE ACTION

BIDEN DID IT! Unemployment Extension UPDATE FPUC PUA Unemployment Benefit SSI NEW EXECUTIVE ACTION

BIDEN DID IT! Unemployment Extension UPDATE FPUC PUA Unemployment Benefit SSI NEW EXECUTIVE ACTION

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Ohio recently announced that they are working with state and federal law enforcement to recover hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent unemployment claims and overpayments.

David DeVillers, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, stated: “About $150 million worth of fraudulent PUA claims have been recovered so far.”

Ohio House of Representatives Minority Leader Emilia Sykes explained: “With many Ohioans continuing to struggle to find work, make rent, or pay their bills, the last thing the state should do is pile on more burdens by forcing people to pay back overpayments they received through no fault of their own or be penalized due to a poor system that allowed fraud to run rampant.”

Hopefully these recovered fraudulent stimulus unemployment funds can go back to the people that need them the most, and be sure to check the status of your unemployment claim if you live in the Buckeye State.

Meanwhile, President Biden and his administration are clearing a path for states that previously intended to end jobless benefits early to continue paying unemployment claimants these vital extended enhanced unemployment funds.

According to Tami Luhby from CNN, the Biden administration said: “States that have terminated pandemic unemployment benefits early can restart the programs, but there may be a break in payments for some laid-off Americans.”

Sources say: “If the date of termination has already passed, states may need to enter into a new agreement with the Department of Labor.”

They also said: “the pandemic unemployment assistance (PUA) program for freelancers, the self-employed and others must be allowed to certify for the weeks they missed so they can receive those payments.”

A Baltimore circuit court judge ruled earlier today that hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers in Old Bay State must continue to receive federal unemployment benefits.

This order blocks Governor Larry Hogan’s previous attempt to end these extended enhanced unemployment benefits early, much to the delight of hundreds of thousands of unemployment claimants across Maryland.

House Majority Eric Luedtke tweeted: “The entire program terminates in September nationally. Hogan is going to all this trouble just to try to cut people off from their benefits a few weeks early. He should drop the case, and stop trying to take benefits away from Marylanders who need them.”

I’m so happy that all of my viewers in Maryland can keep receiving these federal unemployment benefits until the September 6th deadline, and I hope that you are able to get these disaster relief funds that you deserve.

If you still haven’t applied for unemployment assistance, get a taco and some tequila after applying today.

Simply check out your state’s PUA or UI website, show them your employment history and identifying documents, and fill out the application as genuinely as possible and to the best of your abilities.

For honestly and truthfully answering all their questions, you could receive a backdated unemployment check for over $20,000.

To all of the gig-workers, self employed, independent contractors, 1099 workers, even side hustlers, volunteers and freelancers, the PUA will help you get these amazing government disaster relief funds that you deserve.

#unemployment #stimulus #pua


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