➤ Welcome to my brand new let's play on the new full version of Kynseed!
You’ve been given the Kynseed, a mystical acorn that grows into a family tree where your choices manifest in its branches. Raise a family, farm the land, run shops, and explore the world as its inhabitants age around you. When you die, step into the shoes of your children and continue your legacy. In this beautifully hand-crafted world an epic tale of adventure and ambitions will unravel around you as you discover the secrets of the land of Quill and its cast of memorable characters.
Live your life in a quirky world where everyone ages and dies, including your pets! Take control of the mystical Kynseed and grow your family legacy over generations as you pass your skills and powers down to your children.
Watch more Kynseed vids here! 👇🏻
➤ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD80Qg5W0W_ngogYR2xUXc2c8Zsfq3NcW
Get Kynseed on steam! 👇🏻
➤ https://store.steampowered.com/app/758870/Kynseed/
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