Why did God try to eradicate Moses? In Christian and Jewish realms, Moses has been a cardinal patriarchs or to be more elucidate prophets. But in Exodus 4:24-26 as been manifesting into a every contentious discourse between Christians and Atheist who exhibits animosity and antagonizes each other. But Sam Shamoun of @SHAMOUNIAN as been quite renowned for having a myriad of discourses that are quite contentious and petrified individuals who gerrymandered the Bible for their ambitions and in these video he will decimate the rationales that these charlatans posits and shows Moses & Israelites' fortitude during the time of adversity by making God more paramount than anything that's a denizen of these world for the glory of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
@SHAMOUNIAN is a native of Kuwait. He moved to the United States with his family at an early age. His religious background is based on teachings of the "Church of the East" or the "Nestorian Church," commonly practiced in most Assyrian homes.
As an adolescent, Shamoun's faith often came under fire. His Christian beliefs were frequently challenged by those who maintained Islam as the "one true religion." From these unsettling encounters, he began to dig deeply into the basics of the Christian faith he confessed but wanted to know more about. After a thorough and critical examination of the Scriptures, his ability to share the Gospel and his capacity to answer skeptics' questions -- specifically Muslim objections -- increased dramatically.
Today, Shamoun is a frequent contributor to a prominent Web site dedicated to challenging the teachings of Islam. Additionally, he engages in debates as an informed apologist refuting accusations and attacks leveled by proponents of Islam against Christianity.