Finally! After 6 months alone of documents and paperwork we are actually in our new house! It's bittersweet given that we spent almost 10 years in our old house, memories from getting Phil on day 1 right through to Amelia being born there everything happened in that house! Of course though we've moved to the countryside for more space and what we believe will provide a better family lifestyle. We've worked so hard and searched for years now for this opportunity and are so grateful for it to materialise into reality. It's so surreal standing here now and looking forward to the opportunities and better quality of life for our animals, Amelia and more ;)
Reading the comments on our last video was so heart warming knowing that so many of you have travelled the journey with us, the lows and the highs too! This will definitely be a transition for these furry ones, they don't look all that big in here anymore!
oh for all the comments about the 50k balls haha, we borrowed them from a friend who does corporate events so no we didn't take them. Also Amelia's Wendy house had to go unfortunately, it was rotten when we got it and did repairs but it didn't survive being taken down. We didn't fit everything in the lorry unfortunately and Shane has made an additional 2 trips to collect the rest and we are nearly there. We have a long way to go in unpacking however!
We moved ourselves because of the cost long and short. Shane's not shy of manual labour and we had family to help. I can't lift anything heavy fortunately haha but that's another story.....
We hope you enjoy watching the genuine excitement from Amelia myself and the dogs! This was literally as we pulled up first and waited for the lorry (who had the keys) so we were stuck outside exploring. Luckily it was a beautiful day early 20c so that made everything so much more positive! We had some stresses on the way!
Hope you all like the new house and can see hop happy all the furries will be here!