Faze clan is arguably the most prominent name in all of gaming. With a roster of multi million follower channels, a 30 million dollar mansion and a slew of high level brand deals... Faze is set to go public with a value of 1 billion dollars.
The question is... does that value accurately reflect the worth of the company, and if not... what should it really be. Today we get to examine amended documents that show horribly missed estimates, and significant
headwinds for Faze as they try to break into a market where they are substantially over playing their hand.
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⦁ UPPER ECHELON WEBSITE: https://upperechelon.gg
⦁ UPPER ECHELON CUSTOM MERCH STORE: https://agentink.gg/collections/ue
⦁ DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/Uzfkf8m3nD
⦁ Giraffe Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0uNbM0dADc
⦁ Video Transitions: William Eklof
⦁ Outtro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k4azpOIAfwMY
BUSINESS EMAIL: upperechelongamers@yahoo.com
#fazeup #fazestock #fazeclan