A complete overhaul of our tax and welfare system is imperative.
Sri Lanka has the lowest tax to GDP ratio in the whole world, yet we tend to subsidize almost everything from food to medicine. We cannot afford to have a Singapore style tax regime and Sweden type welfare state. This system of welfare politics needs to cease in order for Sri Lanka to move forward with the world.
Nevertheless, subsidies are required and should not be scrapped altogether however, they need to be given only to the most vulnerable groups. Subsidies should be given to the receiver and not the producer. I am a strong believer in equal opportunity and every man and woman in Sri Lanka should have the same opportunity to succeed, regardless of their race, gender, social class or religion.
Full Show: https://youtu.be/sb-pCRdp2pM
#HarshadeSilva #GoHomeGota2022 #Lka
සියළු ශ්රී ලාංකිකයින්ගේ ජීවිත ආලෝකමත් කළ හැකි දූෂණයෙන්, වංචාවෙන් තොර රටට වගකියන දේශපාලන සංස්කෘතියක් බිහිකිරීමේ සටනට ආචාර්ය හර්ෂ ද සිල්වා සමග අත්වැල් බැඳගැනීම පිළිබඳව ඔබට ස්තූතියි. වැඩි තොරතුරු දැනගැනීමට පහත සමාජ මාධ්ය ඔස්සේ සම්බන්ධ වන්න.
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