Find out how to allow all “unfinished business” to be healed as David Hoffmeister uses powerful ACIM teachings along with the movie "Ira & Abby" as an example of how to do so! https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop
Based on The Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment (https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop) and the teachings of A Course in Miracles, these online movie workshops offer inspiring commentary from David before, during, and after the movie, an opportunity to join “breakout groups” to share your experience with a trained Living Miracles facilitator, and a Q&A session. These workshops happen each Saturday from 9:00am MDT and last until approximately 4:00pm MDT.
This live-stream will only feature a portion of David’s pre-movie commentary today. To join us in the interactive Zoom room, sign up here to receive your Zoom link: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop
David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that consistent peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world-renowned for his practical application of the non dual teachings of A Course in Miracles. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual Awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source.
For upcoming online events with David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles community about how to allow all unfinished business to be healed, go to https://livingmiracles.org/events
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Read A Course In Miracles for free https://acim.biz/a-course-in-miracles-book-acim/
Discover the amazing Mystical Mind Training program
Search and Read A Course In Miracles for free https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/
Listen to David read ACIM Text, WB Lesson 1, and his commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imiGL2YS2uo
Watch ACIM WB Lesson 1 video with David's voice as background
#ACourseinMiracles #ACIM #Allowance #Healed #Spirituality #Awakening #Enlightenment #DavidHoffmeister
How to allow all unfinished business to be healed - A Course in Miracles. ACIM is all about practical application. A Course in Miracles Audiobook Daily Lessons Workbook Lessons Online are very Helpful, and A Course in Miracles online study groups can be as well.
A Course in Miracles Made Easy book A Course in Miracles Chapter 1: The Meaning of Miracles is a good introduction for new ACIM students on how to allow all unfinished business to be healed.
David Hoffmeister reads ACIM Text section and Lesson - A Course In Miracles Lesson 1 is a good place to start as your fun journey to awakening and find out how to allow all unfinished business to be healed.
Living A Course in Miracles can start by finding A Course In Miracles is actually very useful to find out how to allow all unfinished business to be healed.
Currently there are over three million copies of the ACIM in circulation worldwide which has been translated into over two dozen languages.
Our YouTube channel offers you a wealth of Course-related videos, including interactive webinars, the context of ACIM, and many testimonials about experiences in living A Course in Miracles and how to allow all unfinished business to be healed.