Grammar for IELTS : 6 Types of Complex Sentences | Ielts Writing Tips and Tricks | Band 9 😱
In this video I have talked about Grammar for IELTS, IELTS writing task 2 tips and tricks. Also Ielts speaking tips and tricks and how to wrote complex Sentences for Ielts and how to score band 8 in IELTS has been said here. Hope this helps!
Wren & Martin High School English Grammar And Composition Book (Regular Edition) https://www.amazon.in/dp/9352530144/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_9SP866PZXM2HVZXDYQ80
📌IELTS Tips & Tricks : https://youtu.be/udvgOZbdMBE
📌IELTS Reading Tips : https://youtu.be/QG532HOafL4
📌IELTS Listening Tips : https://youtu.be/aSiNoSQpYq8
📌IELTS Writing Tips : https://youtu.be/QG532HOafL4
📌IELTS Speaking Tips : https://youtu.be/ofUA0dvYBl0
📌How to Introduce : https://youtu.be/tzbjO7kTt6A
📌Complex Sentences : https://youtu.be/8Xt6C-Y6l1s
Most Trickiest Questions Tips Videos :
✅True False Not Given Tips : https://youtu.be/SgwYKmO-0wk
✅Yes No Not Given Tips :
✅Matching Headings Tips : https://youtu.be/BFlEyEcI_PM
IELTS Vocabulary Videos :
◽Writing Vocabulary TASK (1 + 2) : https://youtu.be/_Hhb_paj2_k
◽Speaking Vocabulary :
◽10 words to avoid :
In this video I have talked about Grammar for IELTS, IELTS Vocabulary, ielts writing task 2 tips and tricks , ielts speaking tips and tricks, complex Sentences for IELTS and more , hope this helps !
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Time Stamps :
00:00 Grammar for IELTS Writing & Speaking
01:00 6 Types of Sentences & Grammar Topics
01:35 Complex Sentences
02:39 Conditional Clauses - If Clause & its Usage
03:19 Relative Clause - WHOSE/WHERE/WHEN
05:00 Compound Sentences for BAND 9
06:52 Use of GERUND (verb-ing)
07:36 Most Important Grammar Topics
08:10 Best Grammar Book & FREE Resources
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