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The channel, Ins & Outs of English, has been created to make English education more accessible. As a developing country, we have to rely heavily on English. There is no substitute for learning English to keep pace with the developed world. Besides, English plays a very important role in starting a smart career.
Many of us dream of getting a good job after finishing our education. And the role of English in getting this good job is undeniable. After passing the higher secondary level, most of the students of our country look for a better option to ensure their most cherishable higher education from a recognized university like DU, JnU, JU, CU, RU, Medical College, BUET, and so on. Without a good command of English, the dream of getting a chance in such accredited universities will never come true.
With these issues in mind, we have created this channel so that boys and girls in every part of Bangladesh can overcome their fear of learning English through this channel.
By becoming a partner in fulfilling your dreams, this channel will one day move forward with your hands to the common people of Bangladesh.
Your victory means the victory of this channel. Your success means the success of this channel.
Your moving forward means moving forward on this channel.
Thanks to being with Ins & Outs of English.
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