Merciless Moments When Minks Attack Everything In Sight

Merciless Moments When Minks Attack Everything In Sight

Minks are highly aggressive semi-aquatic creatures. They are also known as water weasels, and they are vicious and ruthless. They have a habit of killing prey much bigger than themselves and usually, they kill more than they can eat. Whether you’ve seen a mink in action before or not, stick around, as we look at merciless moments when minks attack everything in sight.

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Mink VS Seagull

We have seen seagulls in action in the past and they are no pushovers, but this mink has launched a naval attack on this seagull and the seagull is fighting for its dear life. At one point, the seagull manages to free itself, but it’s not able to take off. The mink doesn’t let up and continues its vicious attack on the bird without holding back. The poor seagull flaps its wings, but it looks like it’s all for nothing because the damage is done, and I think it’s only a matter of time before the mink blasts a few torpedoes in the seagull’s direction and gets what he wants.

Mink VS Rabbit

This rabbit was strolling along on this nice winter road when it is ambushed by a crazy mink. The mink tries to hold on to the bigger rabbit, but the rabbit is putting up a fight and gets away, momentarily, but the mink is not about to let go of such a tasty meal. The mink bites and tries to choke the rabbit, but the fluffy bunny is tough. However, it can only resist the mink’s constant biting for so long and eventually succumbs to the attack. This mink is teaching this rabbit a lesson in the art of war and the rabbit is not enjoying it. It’s trying to escape and run for its life, but the water weasel is holding on tight, very tight as a matter of fact.

If you watch the mink carefully it’s suffocating the rabbit the same way big cats kill their prey, and you can see the rabbit slowly dying in the grasp of the little furry predator. Then, the mink drags the bunny to a safer and more discreet place to eat it. It’s a lot of work for the mink because the rabbit is quite big. It is obvious rabbits can’t defend themselves against minks and this video is another demonstration of this. Another mink pulls its victim back to its den to eat in peace. This is one time where size doesn’t matter at all.


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