I show you how to create a nice thick round strap used gif bikini, Dancewear, leg and body wraps or whatever you feel like using them for.
I go over the best type of fabric, thread, needle, sewing foot, thread tension, type of stitch to use, string and how to attach it to your fabric inside out to leave a clean seamless finish once you pull it right side out. As well as the best way to pull it right side out without breaking your stitch or bunching the material making it harder to pull through.
Pretty much I got over every detail from start to finish so you can skip the trial and error I stubbornly put myself through instead of watching a YouTube, “how to” video!
(Below are links to the materials I use in this video and fabric that is the best and easiest to make spaghetti straps. At the bottom i explain what i will be posting on this channel, why and exactly what the qualities me to teach anyone anything lol )
Scissors ➡️
Fabric used ➡️
Sewing needles for Spandex Fabrics (same ausdd in video)➡️
Pinning needles. Ultra thin, less likely to break your needkd if you sew over them. The dont leave hokes ir punture marks in delicate fabric such as spandex. ➡️
Foam piece ➡️
Other ideal fabric ➡️
❄️ A little about me. I have an onlyfans page and make adult content. I used to be a Dancer years ago , taught myself to sew and started designing and making my own Dancewear outfits. I got good at it and began sell custom made Dancewear online.
As an entertainer myself I understand how expensive it can become constantly having to purchase new costumes and lingerie to keep from becoming repetitive and boring to you followers.
I also don’t trust reviews anymore. Amazon reviews are a joke anymore. half fake and the other half bribed. Brands sending free merchandise for influencer reviews… you see where this is going.
So I plan to go review new and old items I’ve bought over the years to help save others the trouble of wasting time and money on junk and giving practical feedback and advice so can focus on making quality content without the behind the scenes screaming at your tripod and broken attachment to your now dangling ringlight! 🙄
And of course I will be doing tutorials on sewing and creating your own outfits or altering the ones you have to easily and cheaply creating new fresh looks! Obviously the first one is straps. Next I will show how to add a butterfly stitch (scrunch butt) to dresses, shorts, panties, bikinis or any bottoms you already have and how to sew them into an outfit as you go.