Whistleblower Worried January 6th Committee Is Going Too Easy On Capitol Police Failures

Whistleblower Worried January 6th Committee Is Going Too Easy On Capitol Police Failures

A whistleblower who was a member of the Capitol Police before leaving the force earlier this year says that he is concerned that the January 6th Committee is going too easy on the Capitol Police. The whistleblower, who remains anonymous, testified before the committee for 90 minutes recently, and said he walked away feeling like the committee was "too close" to the police to actually hold them accountable for their failures. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what we know about those failures and why the whistleblower may be correct.

Link - https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/17/whistleblower-jan-6-committee-capitol-police-522783

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Recently a Capitol police whistleblower testified before the January six committee for 90 minutes. Now this individual has remained anonymous. So the public at large does not know who it is, but we do know they were a member of what was called the blue team with the Capitol police force during the Capitol riot they have since left the police force. And according to an interview, this individual did with Politico. They're worried that the January six committee is not taking the role of the Capitol police. Seriously, specifically the mini failures of the Capitol police force during the January 6th insurrection, they believe the whistleblower does that. These people on the Capitol are obviously too close to the Capitol police. They've got good relationships with them. They have to trust them as part of their job to keep him safe. And because of that, they're blinded to the many failures that the Capitol police suffered that day.

And its failures that by the way, we have talked about here, plenty of reports have come out showing these massive failures for starters, they delayed sending back up, right? That was one of the biggest ones. You have audio recordings of Capitol police officers as early as 9:00 AM that day, which was long before the storming of the Capitol, many hours before it radioing in and telling the force, we need more people. We need backup. We can't handle this. We are overwhelmed. That was an exact quote. We are overwhelmed. Backup, never came. Then of course, in the run-up to January 6th, we also know that the Capitol police department issued their little 17 page memo. I think it was telling people on the force, you don't need to worry about these stop the steel folks. They're not really the threat. The big threat they said is going to be the counter protestors.

They said that these counter protestors meaning people on the left were really the ones who were probably going to try to storm the Capitol. They were going to try to hide in bushes. This was all in that memo. We've talked about it before. They're going to hide in the bushes. And then when they think nobody's looking, they're going to try to get into the Capitol. So they got it wrong. Literally every step of the way, even as their own officers begged and pleaded for help, they didn't give it to them. And that does need to be investigated. Not to mention, of course we had credible threats. There was credible warnings that these individuals were going to engage in violent activities at the Capitol. And yet they still said, nah, don't worry about that. Worry about these counter protesters. The leadership needs to come and testify and it needs be televised.

This can't be another closed door conversation where stuff kind of trickles out to the press. No televise. It like you did with the initial capital police officers. You brought in front of the committee telling their horror stories about what happened that day. We've seen the heroes. Now let us see who screwed this up so badly. It's important that we know who these individuals are and that they are held to account. This was a massive failure in leadership on behalf of the Capitol police. But as the whistleblower points out, the committee doesn't appear to be taking this very seriously. So it's likely that nothing is going to change.

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