Tibetan Foothills (Minimum Vehicle Challenge, Tomb Raider 2)

Tibetan Foothills (Minimum Vehicle Challenge, Tomb Raider 2)

This is a new challenge that I've decided to take on for Tomb Raider 2 and Tomb Raider 3. I will be doing a Minimum Vehicle Challenge whereby I have to complete every level in TR2 and TR3 which contains a vehicle while trying to use the vehicles as little as possible.

This will mean doing videos for:
Venice, TR2 (Boats)
Bartoli's Hideout, TR2 (Boat)
Tibetan Foothills, TR2 (Snowmobiles)
The River Ganges, TR3 (Quadbike)
Nevada Desert, TR3, (Quadbike)
Madubu Gorge, TR3 (Kayak)
Lud's Gate, TR3 (UPVs)
Antarctica, TR3 (Boat)
RX-Tech Mines (Minecarts)

I also have the additional restrictions of:
All Secrets
Minimum Healthpacks
Minimum Saves
Mostly Pistols

To elaborate on "Minimum Healthpacks", I aim to keep the healthpack usage to a minimum. Ideally I won't use any healthpacks, but that might not be possible in some levels.
To elaborate on "Minimum Saves", I aim to keep the number of times that I save to a minimum. In Tomb Raider 2, I aim to limit my number of saves to three per level. In Tomb Raider 3, I aim to play as if I entered the level without any savegame crystals. Meaning that the number of savegame crystals that I collect is the number of saves that I'd like to restrict myself to.
To elaborate on "Mostly Pistols", I aim to do the majority of the kills with the Pistols, and I aim for the majority of shots that I fire to be Pistol shots.

In this video, you see me complete Tibetan Foothills, the first level of the Tibet section from Tomb Raider 2. I didn't use any of the snowmobiles in this video. I collected all secrets, didn't use any healthpacks, didn't exceed three saves, and only used the pistols. In the next video I will be doing Venice, TR2.

Tomb RaiderTRTomb Raider 2

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