This is a Disaster! My BIG Mistake! Montana Farming
In today's video, we start out filling the seed and fertilizer tanks to begin seeding. When we check the boots and shanks we find that some of them are plugged up! This is a disaster! Dad shows me how to get in and unplug them. Uncle Chris comes to help. I made a big mistake when I turned to start the next seeding row because I thought the drills were out of the ground but they weren't. My dad explains what I did wrong and that he and Uncle Chris have all made the same mistake. We get the drills unplugged and then we have a seed geyser when a hose disconnects. We all have to go into the rows to figure out where the drill stopped seeding so we can re-seed that part. I have learned a valuable lesson and I will try not to make that mistake again!!! I hope you like my video! Thank you for watching!!!
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Great Falls, MT 59403
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My Story…
Hello. My name is Kate Stephens, and I am a 17-year-old 4th generation Montana farmer. My family has been farming wheat in north-central Montana since my great grandfather immigrated from Denmark in 1912 and homesteaded our land. My family has been teaching me about farming since I was two years old. I run one of the combines on the farm at harvest. I believe that it is important for everyone to know where their food comes from and the families who produce it. I love our farm, and I hope that my Farm to Fashion and Farm to Table products can help educate people about where their food comes from in a fun way. That is how Kate's Ag - Farm to Fashion became a reality. I hope you love my products as much as I do because this is an extension of our farm and the grains we have been growing to feed other families for over one hundred years.