According to the latest round of polling, if the midterm elections were held right now, Republicans wouldn't just win - they would absolutely obliterate the Democratic Party. The Republicans are currently enjoying the largest midterm polling advantage than either party has seen in this country in 40 years. There are some very simple and obvious ways for Democrats to correct this problem, but they don't seem too interested in addressing this looming crisis. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://thehill.com/homenews/581475-republicans-hold-largest-edge-in-early-midterm-vote-preferences-in-40-years-poll
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Well, here's some really terrible news for everybody. The Republican party now holds the largest midterm advantage than any party in this country has held in the last 40 years. Not since 1981 has either party and back in 1981, it was the Republicans, had as big of an advantage in polling a year out from the midterm elections. Right now among registered voters, 51% said they are likely to vote for a Republican in 2022, 41% said they're likely to vote for a Democrat. So that is a 10 point gap, the largest in 40 years that Republicans now have a year out from the midterms. Now, good news and bad news about this. Obviously the good news is, as I just said, we're a year out from the midterms. Okay. We've got 12 months. And I don't know if you've been paying attention to the United States of America for the last couple of decades, but 12 months is a hell of a lot of long time in political world, right? Literally anything could happen in those 12 months.
Now the bad part is that literally anything could happen in those 12 months that makes that gap bigger as well. So here's what needs to happen and this is pretty obvious and everybody, you know, that knows what's going on is saying this, the Biden administration has to deliver. And there's several deliverables that the administration could give to the public without even having to worry with Congress. They could begin expunging everyone in jail for a marijuana offense, a non-violent marijuana offense. In fact, Elizabeth Warren is actually encouraging that right now. That is a deliverable. That is something that you could do immediately to help put the nation on the right track. Student loan debts, forgive student loan debts, issue a decree through the US Department of Education, make it happen. That's something Biden absolutely has the power to do. And that's just two things. That's two things he could do today. He could do it by the end of today. So, so do it. You know, what, what, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for your poll numbers to go even lower?
Because they're really bad right now. All the polls combined, you get an aggregate of about 40% and let's not even get started on Kamala Harris' terrible poll numbers. If you want people to like you do things for them. Give them a reason to vote for the Democrats, not a reason to vote against the Democrats. And of course there is the build back better act, that needs to happen, unfortunately it has been ridiculously scaled down because of the corporatists. But it would still help and we do still need it. So you're going to have to do it. You're going to have to give something there or else your going to get your butt kicked and then it's going to be years and years and years before you have another opportunity to help the American public. These poll numbers are temporary. Okay. They change. They come with the wind, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. A year from now it could be totally flipped, but only, only if the Biden administration starts delivering for the American public. It is 100% on them. Where they go from here is up to them.