After the first cases of the Omicron Covid variant in Australia were confirmed on Sunday, health minister Greg Hunt says Australia is better prepared than the majority of the world to deal with the potential impact of the emerging new coronavirus strain. Australia halted flights from nine countries in Africa and increased quarantine requirements to travellers from those regions in response to the new variant on Saturday. Hunt says the country's high vaccination rates, booster program and vaccine supply place the country in an enviable position to deal with the new variant
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Omicron variant Australia: NSW investigating possible further cases of new Covid strain ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/nov/29/omicron-covid-19-variant-australia-two-cases-nsw-investigating-possible-third-case-new-coronavirus-strain?CMP=gdnaus_yt
What does appearance of Omicron variant mean for the double-vaccinated? ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/28/what-does-appearance-of-omicron-mean-for-the-double-jabbed?CMP=gdnaus_yt
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