This is a Clip from Rekieta Law's Rittenhouse Trial Livestream.
Be sure to Subscribe to Nick with all Notifications to See Lawyers Reacting Live @ https://www.youtube.com/c/RekietaLaw and https://youtube.com/c/RekietaMedia (if Nick says spicy things)
Also be sure to check out Nick’s guests: @Uncivil Law @Good Lawgic @Legal Mindset @LegalBytes @Ron Coleman @Viva Frei @Nate The Lawyer @Emily D. Baker @Runkle Of The Bailey
Ty Beard's Law firm: https://youtube.com/channel/UCzrBD7ppcRMDJ1uOdHPaZEw
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* Streamlabs donations - https://streamlabs.com/rekietamedia
* Merchandise - teespring.com/stores/rekieta-law
Ways to Follow!
* Rekieta Law on MINDS - https://www.minds.com/rekietalaw
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Ways to Contact!
* Email - Rekietalaw@rekieta.org
* Actual Mail - USPS: PO Box 97, Spic er, MN 56288
#kenosha #kylerittenhouse #objection