Morrison government 'strongly committed' to ensuring online safety

Morrison government 'strongly committed' to ensuring online safety

Communications Minister Paul Fletcher says the federal government is making “further progress” in the area of online security by releasing a draft to design a “binding online privacy code” for cyber platforms.

“It's designed to provide Australians with more transparency and more control about how their personal information is being handled,” Mr Fletcher said.

Mr Fletcher said under the code social media platforms will be required to take “all reasonable steps” to verify the ages of users and the consent from parents or legal guardians of those under the age of 16.

“The online privacy code is the next step in the Morrison government's cohesive and comprehensive plan to keep Australians safe online; it's the next building block in our defences, and it builds on our tough new Online Safety Act,” he said.

“It builds on our strong new industry codes to protect Australians against abhorrent and violent content.

“It builds on new powers to order tech companies to report on how they're keeping people safe, and issue hefty fines of up to $550,000 for companies if they don't respond; it builds on our successful cyberbullying scheme for children.

“The Morrison government strongly committed to keeping Australians safe online under a whole series of practical measures to do that.”


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