MAGA Republicans Vow To Make Colleagues Pay For Voting For Infrastructure Package

MAGA Republicans Vow To Make Colleagues Pay For Voting For Infrastructure Package

13 Republican members of the House voted to pass the long-awaited infrastructure package on Friday, and it immediately caused a meltdown among the MAGA-loving Republicans in the Chamber. Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorn, and several others have vowed to make these Republicans pay, with some going as far as saying that they'll be promoting primary challengers to these 13 Republicans. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains why these MAGA Republicans are so mad.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Late last week, 13 Republicans in the House of Representatives, broke ranks with their party and actually voted to pass the massive infrastructure spending bill that has been a cornerstone of president Biden's first year in office, 13 of them. And you did, by the way, have the Democratic members of the squad vote against passing the infrastructure bill because they did not want the infrastructure bill to pass without also passing the build back better act, which for the record, just so everybody knows most of the funding mechanisms for pieces of the infrastructure bill are contained in the build back better act. So if we don't get the build back better act, we're not going to get everything that's in the infrastructure package. The bills were written together to go together, to pass at the same time, having one without the other significantly undercuts the other one, just so everybody's aware of what's actually happening here.

But anyway, 13 Republicans voted with the Democrats and now they've put massive targets on their own backs, targets that people like Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorn have already set their sights on. Here's what Marjorie Taylor Greene had to tweet out about this. 13 Republicans voted with Pelosi to spend 7.5 billion to build electric vehicle charging stations all over America to force Americans to drive CCP, battery driven cars. China dominates the EV battery market by over 80%, and the US can't even compete with less than 10% market share. Those 13 Republican traitors who voted to pass Biden's socialist infrastructure bill agree with globalist Joe that America must depend on China to drive EVs. The unlucky 13 are China first and America laughed, 13, America last. 13 American job and energy killers. Wow. It's amazing how she can pack so much wrong into a single tweet.

And actually to her credit, that was two tweets put together. Still, so much wrong. You see, Marjorie, part of what the legislation would do is it would, it would give us here in the United States the infrastructure to start making these things ourselves so that we don't have to rely on other countries. If you read the bill, you'd know that. Ah, but you can't be bothered with details, right? Not when it gets in the way of a good talking point to attack something as socialist or communist or China loving Democrats, globalist Joe, whatever the hell idiotic thing you want to say. You're an idiot and you clearly didn't read the legislation. Madison Cawthorn came out there on social media, threatened to primary each and every one of these Republicans, the kid who can't, you know, keep his own life in order, been involved in numerous scandals, including before he even won office by lying about his past.

Yeah. Okay. We're super scared of you, Madison. And then of course you had Matt Gaetz come out there and, um, attack the whole thing as well, called it socialist because he doesn't know what the word socialist means, and round and round we go. The real thing that's these Republicans off is that members of their own party voted to pass a thing that whether you like it or not, whether you think it goes far enough or not, I personally do not think it goes far enough and I'm not happy with it. However, we cannot deny that it will provide some good things for the American public.

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