Jai Shri Krishna | जय श्री कृष्णा | The Two Brothers Engage In A Fight | दोनों भाइयों में हुई लड़ाई

Jai Shri Krishna | जय श्री कृष्णा | The Two Brothers Engage In A Fight | दोनों भाइयों में हुई लड़ाई

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Balaram upsets Krishna by playing a prank on him and telling him that he is the foster child of Nand and Yashodha. The two brothers fight over this, but make up later. Krishna, however, is hardly aware of the fact that Vilamb is out hunting for him.

Depicting the life of Lord Krishna, from the birth of the 'Makhan Chor' to him becoming the Prince of Mathura and Dwarka, this mythological drama also focusses the deep friendship Krishna shared with Sudama and his divine bond with Radha.

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#ColorsRishtey #JaiShriKrishna #जयश्रीकृष्णा

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jai shri krishnaJai Shri Krishnaजय श्री कृष्णा

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