How to find and choose companies that pay dividends | South Africa

How to find and choose companies that pay dividends | South Africa

In this video I am going to answer the question: WHICH COMPANIES PAY DIVIDENDS?

But first what are dividends? Dividends are payments made to shareholders of companies. Dividends can be paid once a year, or twice a year, or four times a year... Second, I will to talk about dividend yield and how you can use it to estimate how much you will receive in dividends when you invest your money. Third, I will also show you how to do research to find out which dividend-paying companies are worth buying because you should never buy any company before making sure that it's good quality.

I use 3 websites to find dividend information SimplyWallSt, Sharedata and MoneyWeb. Here are the links below:


If you are a beginner and what to start investing but you need guidance, you can buy my ebooks for beginner investors or you can book me for online coaching. Whatsapp me on 072 586 2827 or send an email to

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