🟢My Website: https://www.troglysguitarshow.com
🔴Reverb: https://reverb.com/shop/troglys?_aid=growsumo&gs_partner=Trogly
🔵eBay: https://ebay.us/R9fACt
⚫Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Zither-Wooden-Guitar-Stand-Handcrafted/dp/B06X9QPNXF/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=fender+guitar+stand&qid=1584154756&sr=8-43&linkCode=ll1&tag=trogly-20&linkId=5f49c589f48a3c5d78f875555c93a6a7&language=en_US
🍭Shop Sweetwater + Support the Show ➡️ https://imp.i114863.net/2ra3zO
🐕 Episode Guide:
0:00 - Intro - Check Links in the Description
0:26 - Why It Increased
0:53 - Les Pauls USA
7:40 - Custom Shop Les Paul
10:40 - SGs
12:49 - ES-335 Style
14:30 - Designer V/Explorer/Firebird
15:35 - Epiphone Price Changes
17:35 - Fender Prices?
📚 Description: October 1, 2021 saw Gibson increase the prices of their guitars for the first time since they were under new ownership. While this might upset some, if we are being realistic, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner with COVID stresses to the production of guitars, parts etc across the board. Some of these increases were minimal - others, quite a bit!
❓Private Help Sessions ➡️ https://troglysguitarshow.com/help-appraisals
💰New to Reverb? Get $10 on Me ➡️ https://reverb.grsm.io/earn10
🍭Shop Sweetwater + Support the Show ➡️ https://imp.i114863.net/trogly
👕 Merch: https://teespring.com/basic-logo-4245?pid=211
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🟢My Website: https://www.troglysguitarshow.com
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🛒 Current Inventory ➡️ https://reverb.grsm.io/CurrentInventory (also on website)
✉️ Email for Business Inquiries ➡️ austin@troglysguitarshow.com
❓Guitar Questions ➡️ https://troglysguitarshow.com/help-appraisals
⚙️ Gear Used to Make the Show:
Guitar + Recording:
George L's Guitar Lead: https://goo.gl/6SjCeG
Shure SM57 (Amp Cab Mic): https://goo.gl/JK9bAC
Audio Interface - Roland Duo Capture EX - https://amzn.to/2tkIBed
+ Universal Audio Apollo Twin: https://amzn.to/2uYeeKN
Headphones: Focal Listen Professional: https://amzn.to/2tonXtI
Rode Videomic Go (backup audio): https://amzn.to/2vHNzm5
Lens: Lumix 12-35mm : https://goo.gl/NP6dQd
Computer: Mac Pro 2013 - https://amzn.to/37L9eb4
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X - https://goo.gl/oiU3L2
American DJ Eco UV Bar Plus Blacklight: https://goo.gl/1E4ELt
Panasonic Lumix GH-4: https://amzn.to/2Se3akM
Camera Gimbal: https://amzn.to/38KxYk9
Camera Slider: https://amzn.to/3bTIXK1
Rode NTG-2 (vocal + room mic): https://amzn.to/2UjxmxA