In this video we make an Overpowered Shield only build on Legendary Difficulty. Played on Skyrim the Special Edition, no mods were installed during the playthrough and the build was played entirely on Legendary Difficulty.
Final Stats: Level 47
Magicka 100| Health 380 | Stamina 280 | All before buffs from equipment or standing stones. Focus points into Health and Stamina.
20 One-Handed
15 Archery
15 Light Armor
16 Sneak
28 Lockpicking
15 Pickpocket
85 Speech
100 Alchemy
15 Illusion
15 Conjuration
15 Destruction
74 Restoration
16 Alteration
100 Enchanting
100 Smithing
100 Heavy Armor
100 Block
20 Two-Handed
Perks in order of purchase: 2 Shield Wall 1/5 | 3 Power Bash | 4 Deflect Arrows | 5 Deadly Bash | 6 Quick Reflexes | 7 Elemental Protection | 8 Alchemist 1/5 | 9 Alchemist 2/5 | 10 Physician | 11 Benefactor | 12 Alchemist 3/5 | 13 Alchemist 4/5 | 14 Enchanter 1/5 | 15 Enchanter 2/5 | 16 Enchanter 3/5 | 17 Enchanter 4/5 | 18 Insightful Enchanter | 19 Corpus Enchanter | 20 Alchemist 5/5 | 21 Enchanter 5/5 | 22 Extra Effect | 23 Steel Smithing | 24 Dwarven Smithing | 25 Orcish Smithing | 26 Ebony Smithing | 27 Daedric Smithing | 28 Juggernaut 1/5 | 29 Shield Wall 2/5 | 30 Shield Wall 3/5 | 31 Novice Restoration | 32 Regeneration | 33 Shield Wall 4/5 | 34 Shield Wall 5/5 | 35 Block Runner | 36 Disarming Bash | 37 Shield Charge | 38 Respite | 39 Fists of Steel | 40 Cushioned | 41 Conditioning | 42 Well Fitted | 43 Tower of Strength | 44 Matching Set | 45 Reflect Blows | 46 Necromage | 47 Dragon Armor |
Perks after this can be invested however you like.
All Enchantments used for crafting can be found at Radiant Raiment in Solitude, with soul gems purchased from Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach.
Placing the Falmer helm over the top of a circlet allows two enchantments to be placed on the head, increasing the potency of alchemy enchantments.
Midgame Gear:
Ebony Helmet - Fortify Restoration + Fortify Magicka
Ebony Armor - Fortify Restoration + Fortify Restoration & Magicka regenerates Faster
Ebony Gauntlets - Fortify Block + Fortify Magicka
Ebony Boots - Fortify stamina + Fire Resistance
Necklace - Fortify Restoration + Fortify Block
Ring - Fortify Magic Resist + Fortify Block
Daedric Shield - Fortify Block + Fortify Magic Resist
Final Gear:
Dragonplate Helmet - Fortify Restoration + Fortify Magicka
Dragonplate Armor - Fortify Health + Fortify Restoration
Dragonplate Gauntlets - Fortify Block + Fortify Magicka
Dragonplate Boots - Fortify Block + Fire Resistance
Necklace - Fortify Magic Resist + Fortify Health
Ring - Fortify Magic Resist + Fortify Block
Seeker of Might
The Lord Stone
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Music from Epidemicsound
In order of Appearance:
Marches - Tigerblood Jewel
Love is Blind - Coma Svensson
Our Sad Regrets - Cobby Costa
No Train to Gisshult - Victor Lundberg
Sharir - Heyson
Journey's Eye - Jon Bjork
Drunks on Bicycles - Martin Landstorm
Racing Hearts - Mattie Maguire
Cool Shoes man - Tigerblood Jewel
Let's Go Go Go - Tigerblood Jewel
Forest Run - Bonnie Grace
Oh What A Whirl - Jules Gaia
All Men on Deck - Bonnie Grace
Highland Hymn - Bonnie Grace
Work, Work - Reversus