Serbia has unveiled Lazanski, a new armored vehicle equipped with Russian-made 57 mm AU-220M Automatic Weapon Station.
The vehicle was presented for the first time on October 12 at the Partner 2021 military exhibition being in Belgrade.
The new 30-ton vehicle is 8m long, 3.2m wide and can accommodate upto 13 people. It provides Mine protection and ballistic protection. Lazanski is armed with an Automatic cannon 57 mm, Machine gun 7.62 mm. It can shoot 80 bullets per minute, Serbian state media reported today.
The vehicle is a modified version of the Lazar-3. Lazar-3 has a highly sophisticated, modular ballistic protection. The hull is made of armored steel and can be fitted with a spall liner. The applied ballistic protection can be tailored to the specific needs of the user. The vehicle floor has two levels of anti-mine protection. Four versions of Lazar 3 are developed: Armed with 12.7mm machine-gun RCWS, Armed with 20mm auto-cannon M-55 RCWS Kerber, Launcher of RALAS missiles, and Ambulance.
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