i read the books mentioned in You (and im a stalker now?)

i read the books mentioned in You (and im a stalker now?)

Head on over to Book of the Month at https://www.bookofthemonth.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=UnCarley
& use code UNCARLEY to get your first book for $9.99!

is it still a haul if it's three books and they're second-hand? answer below!

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🍒 po box 🍒
PO Box 52601
Mississauga, ON
L5J 4S6

😊 10% off at Glossier 😊

🍄 music 🍄
Intro Music: June Blues by Eric Reprid - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvJoV9-iR20

Background Music: Ghost Cafe Theme by Louie Zong - https://soundcloud.com/etherally/ghost-cafe-theme-cover-of-bireli-lagrenes-place-du-tertre

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