Ran into a persistent Off Radar griefer outside of Armadillo. I decided to keep pressing charges until I got a bounty on them where at the very least I could see where they were on the map even if they still had the advantage of auto-aim. I flamed them once then got a bounty on them which sent them across the world after I killed them.
The griefer got mad and wanted me to 1v1 them in Emerald Ranch where I assumed they got teleported near. Why would anyone 1v1 a cheater and griefer at that? They showed up when I as AFK in the store in Armadillo and threw Toxic Moonshine all around to no effect and later jumped on me after King of the Castle still Off Radar. I could taste their saltiness! Silly griefer!
GamingRed Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Online