Friday Night Funkin' VS Monika + Doki Doki Takeover Secret Song + FNF References in songs. The Monika mod is based on the Doki Doki Literature Club Plus game for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. I'll be playing the secret song and showing the secret game over animation along with other stuff. Did you know Bob and soft bf were both supposed to make it as an easter egg in Doki Doki Takeover but got scrapped? I love this mod so much, feels like a Triple-A game. After I battle a false copyright claim I'm definitely going to donate to the main creators.
DusterBuster Twitch Stream (Check it out for more DDTO facts)
Doki Doki Takeover Full Week:
Doki Doki Takeover Download:
Game Note: One of the biggest mod glow-ups ever. Presenting the ultra-souped-up version of the original Monika Full Week mod: Doki Doki Takeover!
Prologue: Monika Full Week
Boyfriend and Girlfriend return to the Hating Sim, and find a new person inside this time around, being Monika. She doesn't know how she got there, but she's happy to put on a show. Until things start to go wrong-
New Update: Doki Doki Takeover
After Boyfriend and Girlfriend are freed from Monika's game manipulation, they soon find themselves in Monika's very own clubroom while she's still stuck in the Hating Sim. They come across her other club members: Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri. Like usual FNF fashion, singing ensues. How does the rest of the Literature Club fare in a good ol' rap battle?
This mod includes:
15+ Songs (Including all the original Monika Full Week songs and a bunch more)
It's very own .exe, like most other full week mods.
Completely overhauled menus
Various engine optimizations and features ported from later versions of Kade
An in-game language select
The whole Literature Club (DDLC) includes Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, and Just Monika.
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Monika + Doki Doki Takeover Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Secret Game Over Animation (Jumpscare)
00:34 FNF References in Songs
06:08 Secret Song - ERB
08:08 Extra Easter Eggs that were supposed to be on the menu
08:39 Minus Monika Facts
10:35 Outro - CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Monika + Doki Doki Takeover below
VS Monika FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
DusterBuster - Sprite Art / Charting / Dialogue
TokyoGalaxy - Menu BG / Chibi Art
ItoSaihara - Background Art
SunSpirit - Coding / Animation
M&M - Coding
CelShader - Musician
Kallionic - M
Saruky__ - M
Matt$ - M
starrieblu - M
StardustTunes - M
HighPoweredArt - M
ClemO - Musician / Russian Translation
kekb - Musician
Tony Astro - Musician
(Check DL page for more Credit)
Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin': The Full Ass Game:
Friday Night Funkin' - WEEK 7 All Tankman Death Quotes:
Friday Night Funkin' Pico's School Edition
Friday Night Funkin' - VS Monika FULL WEEK + Cutscenes
FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN’ Full Game, but The Mom Sings it:
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k HD (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #VSMonika #VSDokiDokiTakeOver #Sayori #Yuri #Natsuki #FNF #Monika #dokidokiliteratureclub #dokidokiliteratureclubplus #CommunityGame
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