Explaining Creepshow Art’s patterns of anti-social behavior, as a former associate (Part 1)

Explaining Creepshow Art’s patterns of anti-social behavior, as a former associate (Part 1)

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► Video Contents: Skip around to what's most relevant to you
0:00:00 - intro
0:01:42 - Chapter 0. Who are you, you sub 100k loser, how are you relevant, and why are you making this video?
0:04:28 - tysm for the shoutout
0:08:16 - Thanks, who I am, and what I create
0:11:11 - How Shannon and I became associated acts
0:14:50 - Why I'm making this video
0:20:35 - Chapter 1. Feeling our feelings (for both creators and subscribers)
0:23:33 - Sociopathy vs ASPD Disclaimer
0:24:55 - Healing the hurtful impact Shannon left on the community
0:41:23 - Chapter 2. Why I will not give Shannon the benefit of a doubt: Shannon is Amy
0:46:48 - Why Emily's evidence is enough (The CSI effect)
0:53:07 - Chapter 3. Analyzing and contextualizing Shannon’s Anti-social behaviors to help all the people she’s gaslit move on
0:53:20 - Covering my ars3 with important Disclaimers so I don't have to make a follow up video
0:58:17 - Shannon's core anti-social behaviors
1:10:21 - How female sociopaths manipulate people
1:21:40 - Chapter 4. Revisiting Shannon's dumpster fire apology video
1:23:30 - The Faults of Creepshow Art by Tobi
1:28:48 - AckNOwlEDGin MAH FualTS! by Creepshow Art
1:43:41 - Chapter 5. Closing thoughts
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►I stated Creepshow and Karuna were friends twice because I wasn't paying attention while reading my script, which I hadn't thoroughly proofread. when I first wrote it from memory, I assumed she must have been friends with Karuna in order to care so much that she left her a negative comment and unsubbed, but after watching her apology video a second time, I realized Karuna was just a subscriber, and that made Creepshow's behavior even WEIRDER in retrospect. So no, they weren't even friends, she did all this over someone she didn't even know existed until she criticized her. What the actual fxck.
►Around 45 min in, clumsy wording lead me to imply Ariel Versace is guilty of distribution, she is not. Creepshow Art simply falsely accused her of that. I mean, you probably knew what I meant but I don't want to get sued, thanks.


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