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Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas who conducted the Arizona ballot audit, has declined a request by the House Oversight Committee to testify under oath at a hearing scheduled for today. This has led many in Congress (on the Democratic side) to believe that Logan has something to hide about what really took place during the audit. Perhaps Logan is afraid that answering questions under oath could hurt his chances of getting more lucrative contracts from bitter Republicans? Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://ktar.com/story/4717570/cyber-ninjas-ceo-declines-us-house-request-to-testify-at-arizona-audit-hearing/
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Today, the house oversight and reform committee is holding a hearing about the election audit that took place in Arizona. And it's important to put audit in quotation marks there because even the committee in their title has the word audit in quotation marks implying obviously, as we all know that this wasn't a real audit, but in fact, a sham and that is likely why cyber ninjas CEO Doug Logan decided he had better things to do than to comply with a request from the committee to come and testify about what actually happened. That's right. Cyber ninjas CEO Doug Logan was sent a letter by the committee saying, we request your presence come testify under oath about this audit. It was not a subpoena, just a request. And Mr. Logan said, yeah, thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather not. Interesting, right?
Why would this man who runs the company that ran the so-called audit not want to go and testify under oath? And what's great is that Democratic representative Carolyn Maloney, this is what she said. Clearly, Mr. Logan doesn't want to answer tough questions under oath about the highly questionable partisan audit that his company led. And she's absolutely right. You know, Doug Logan feel free to come prove us wrong by showing up at that committee and talking about what actually took place over there in Arizona. But what we know from conversations that have been released, not necessarily from Mr. Logan himself, but other auditor's, people who were involved in the process, some of them actually thought that black lives matter had shown up in a giant bus to, you know, intimidate and harass them.
It turns out it was just a traveling basketball team in a bus. Uh, they also at one point, and this is from their own internal communications, one person thought that because a carnival was setting up next door that had clowns, that they were gonna come in and distract them with the clowns. So, you know what, probably makes perfect sense for Doug Logan to be like, listen, I don't want to have to talk about any of this. I don't want to have to go in front of the committee. I don't want to have to talk about the fire throwing clowns or the mistaken identity of the basketball players by the idiots who were running this audit. I'd rather just stay out of it. I don't want to answer tough questions about who was actually funding this because that's still a big question mark as well.
We know that a lot of Trump's supporters, including big money Trump donors, gave money for this audit to continue because the state of Arizona had allocated a very small amount to conduct the audit. The rest of it was paid for by these private donors and I think we need to know who those people are. I think need to know why those people decided to fund this complete farce. And those are all answers that Mr. Doug Logan needs to give to the house oversight committee. So next time, rather than sending a request to him, send a subpoena, he can't escape accountability for this. They went on for six months, spent millions of dollars and came back saying, oh yeah, actually Biden won by more votes than we originally thought. There needs to be some answers here.