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1 How to build a boat using a car motor to move forward quickly on the water.
2 How to make a boat from pure water bottle plus motor control.
3 How to make a boat from a pure water bottle and integrate it with a control car motor.
5 How to make a Boat using DC Motor and out of banana trees.
6 How to make a boat using bamboo and electric car.
7 How to make a boat out of plastic bottles and a small control car.
8 How to make a boat with bamboo and put a motor to run.#Cthe
9 How to make a boat with two jackfruit leaves.
10 How to make a strong slingshot.
11 make boat from plastic with motorized car | Plastic boat | ELECTRIC BOAT AT HOME
12 How to make a car to drive on water using a water bottle. | DIY Electric Mini Car | make a car
13 How to make rubber band powered Boat diy | inflatable boat | fishing boat #CTHE
14 How to make a BOAT from bamboo .
15 How to make a dam door From DVD old . #CTHE
16 how to make boat with motor car and plastic bottle.
17 HOW TO MAKE DRIFT TRIKE FROM DC CAR | Make a Motorised Drift Trike with Basic Tools.
18 [ Test drive ] HOW TO MAKE DRIFT TRIKE FROM DC CAR | Make a Motorised Drift Trike with Basic Tools.
19 My sister wants to try banana worms.
"Do it yourself" ("DIY") is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals. Academic research has described DIY as behaviors where "individuals engage raw and semi-raw materials and parts to produce, transform, or reconstruct material possessions, including those drawn from the natural environment (e.g., landscaping)".[1] DIY behavior can be triggered by various motivations previously categorized as marketplace motivations (economic benefits, lack of product availability, lack of product quality, need for customization), and identity enhancement (craftsmanship, empowerment, community seeking, uniqueness).[2]
The term "do-it-yourself" has been associated with consumers since at least 1912 primarily in the domain of home improvement and maintenance activities.[3] The phrase "do it yourself" had come into common usage (in standard English) by the 1950s,[4] in reference to the emergence of a trend of people undertaking home improvement and various other small craft and construction projects as both a creative-recreational and cost-saving activity.
Subsequently, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY has been described as a "self-made-culture"; one of designing, creating, customizing and repairing items or things without any special training. DIY has grown to become a social concept with people sharing ideas, designs, techniques, methods and finished projects with one another either online or in person.
DIY can be seen as a cultural reaction in modern technological society to increasing academic specialization and economic specialization which brings people into contact with only a tiny focus area within the larger context, positioning DIY as a venue for holistic engagement.
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