Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says he wanted to “highlight” a bit of work going on which is an expansion and training of the health workforce to participate in administering the vaccine.
“It’s essentially everybody who can do this safely needs to be part of that team as we grow and expand the total amount of vaccinations that we do, with expanded hours, with many more appointments being offered over time,” Mr Andrews said.
“So, we are going to move to including dentists, oral health therapists, pharmacist, podiatrists, that’s hospital pharmacist, nursing and midwifery workforce, medical students, the student involvement is really important.
“Those who are partway through their studies but are not yet fully qualified, they have and can be trained up to have the requisite skills to be part of this workforce.
“We don't want a situation where the number of people to administer the shot is a limiting factor; we don't think it will be, so these are logical, common-sense changes and we think they will serve us very well.”