UFC president Dana White Is Not The Entrepreneur He Would Like You To Believe He Is - Former UFC fighter Travis Browne and his partner John Fosco did an interview on Tough Business with Dana White. It was a shameless plug for the alleged brilliance of Dana White. It was embarrassing.
0:00 Intro
1:43 The Tough Business podcast interview with Dana White was embarrassing
3:20 Dana White thinks he doesn’t work for someone. He’s wrong
4:54 Dana White refers to UFC as “My business.” That’s not true
5:20 Dana White refers to UFC as “My company.” Again, that’s a no
6:08 Dana White says no layoffs during pandemic. Ignores that the fighters aren’t employees and that those fighters might not have earned a cent
8:03 Travis Browne tries to say Dana White kept food on tables of the fighters during the pandemic. That’s not true
9:22 White brags about the safety of the UFC during the pandemic. I show that’s not really true
10:50 Dana White has thick skin? C’mon now…
11:50 Dana White and humanity inside him… C’mon now…
12:28 Dana White rants about the scumbag media and tries to convince someone the media doesn’t know about the UFC’s business
17:45 Travis Browne kisses the ring when it comes to fighter
19:45 An attack on Francis Ngannou and his management
21:45 I agree Dana White has good people working for him, but does he allow them to shine?
24:00 Humble Dana White
24:22 White on people not going back to work and looking to live off the government
24:40 Nearly 46 minutes into the interview of White as a business man and not one mention of the Fertitta brothers.
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#UFC #DanaWhite #travisbrowne