UFC President Dana White Is Not The Entrepreneur He Would Like You To Believe He Is

UFC President Dana White Is Not The Entrepreneur He Would Like You To Believe He Is

UFC president Dana White Is Not The Entrepreneur He Would Like You To Believe He Is - Former UFC fighter Travis Browne and his partner John Fosco did an interview on Tough Business with Dana White. It was a shameless plug for the alleged brilliance of Dana White. It was embarrassing.


0:00 Intro
1:43 The Tough Business podcast interview with Dana White was embarrassing
3:20 Dana White thinks he doesn’t work for someone. He’s wrong
4:54 Dana White refers to UFC as “My business.” That’s not true
5:20 Dana White refers to UFC as “My company.” Again, that’s a no
6:08 Dana White says no layoffs during pandemic. Ignores that the fighters aren’t employees and that those fighters might not have earned a cent
8:03 Travis Browne tries to say Dana White kept food on tables of the fighters during the pandemic. That’s not true
9:22 White brags about the safety of the UFC during the pandemic. I show that’s not really true
10:50 Dana White has thick skin? C’mon now…
11:50 Dana White and humanity inside him… C’mon now…
12:28 Dana White rants about the scumbag media and tries to convince someone the media doesn’t know about the UFC’s business
17:45 Travis Browne kisses the ring when it comes to fighter
19:45 An attack on Francis Ngannou and his management
21:45 I agree Dana White has good people working for him, but does he allow them to shine?
24:00 Humble Dana White
24:22 White on people not going back to work and looking to live off the government
24:40 Nearly 46 minutes into the interview of White as a business man and not one mention of the Fertitta brothers.

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#UFC #DanaWhite #travisbrowne


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