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Star Citizen gameplay as an Elite CMDR continues, And I return to my criminal ways as I start working for one of the criminal leaders of ArcCorps Area 18, organized crime has us taking on a prison transport ship by the end of the day. As an Elite CMDR I have been surprised at Star Citizen gameplay in 3.14, for me this is week 7 and the gameplay of Star Citizen 3.14 in 2021is great if you are prepared to look past a few bugs and treat it as the alpha it is.
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0:00 - Area 18
0:49 - Meeting Twitch
2:28 - Killing BlacJac private Security
3:39 - Clearing Crimestat 4
10:20 - Taking down Comm Array
13:06 - Killing the rest of the BlacJac Personel
15:10 - The Price Of Freedom: Setting out
18:00 - The Price of Freedom: The Prisoner Transport
20:46 - The Price of Freedom: Boarding the Caterpillar
23:21 - The Price of Freedom: Finding our Prisoners
26:27 - conclusion
Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound