Such a great & fun conversation with the legend dr Ted Naiman
00:01 Intro
❇This or that
02:20 What's a worse predictor /risk factor for morbidity and mortality high LDL or high triglycerides
05:53 If you are hypertensive, should you have a low salt diet or normal sodium diet?
08:06 how do you know that you are or aren't salt sensitive if you have hypertension?
10:17 If someone doesn't consume / like veggies, can green powders be a good solution? Or better to have fruit & wholegrains instead ?
11:32 For obese patients, rapid or slower fat loss
❇true or false
14:14 The PE diet doesn't account for calories or macro tracking
17:40 Reverse dieting & PE Diet?
21:40 If you are hypertensive, you shouldn't lift weights
25:29 Too high protein is not good for longevity
27:49 A high LDL cholesterol level in absence of metabolic syndrome may not be as bad as people think
30:03 All meats are not created equal when it comes to long term disease risk
36:06 A great way to predict insulin resistance is to measure waist to height ratio
37:02 ❇Underrated or overrated
37:18 Egg consumption for health & longevity
37:39 Multivitamins for health
38:38 Cardio for health
42:29 10k steps a day for health
44:23 Glicemic index
44:54 Resistance training for health and longevity
45:39 Organic foods
47:08 the 80/20 rule/principle
49:24 Celery juice
General questions
50:11 How to determine whether a packaged snack/product is worth eating/ healthier?
54:16 Explain the role of the pancreas as a fuel sensor
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I am an accredited practicing dietitian
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Weight loss & body re-composition
Nutrition Research & nutrition coaching/education
Diabetes education & Clinical nutrition
Fitness & sports Nutrition
Binge eating disorder &Food freedom
Women’s health & PCOS
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