Get your FREE 14-day trial to the Stanton Moore Drum Academy to see if it is right for you: https://www.stantonmooredrumacademy.com/a/39224/6y2MZr8E
Stanton Moore Drum Academy teaches you how to play the drums and welcomes you to a unique online drumming community that features Academy Lessons, Beat of the Month features, monthly chats with me and more. Subscribe now to StantonMooreDrumAcademy.com to see this lesson plus over 16+ hours of additional content from beginner to advanced.
Get your free one-minute warm-up PDF: https://www.stantonmooredrumacademy.com/one-minute-triplet-warmup-free-pdf-download
Check out the One Minute Warmup video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtQIqyXrMrg
Over the years, I’ve come up with some creative ways to get in some quality practice time backstage, on the bus, in the hotel room, or even on the plane. In this video, I share some of these alternative practice situations. I also share one of my favorite warmups that I’ve developed.