Do you want to make money, but don't know how?
Then this is the video for you. I'm going to share with you 7 of the best ways to make money from home. You'll learn what passive income is and why it's so helpful for everyone who wants financial freedom!
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Passive income can help you make more money, even when you aren't working. I've talked about passive income before in this video , but passive income is different from active income. Active income would be something like a salary or hourly wage; where passive income involves getting paid for something over and over again. If passive income sounds familiar to you, it's probably because you've seen passive income sources before. I'm going to list seven passive income ideas that I think will help a lot of people scale their business from home and make more money from passive income.
The three most common passive incomes are interest, affiliate marketing, and creating a blog and monetizing it. Interest is when you get paid for any kind of savings, whether it's in a bank account, or your retirement. When you get paid for passive income through affiliate marketing, that means other people are selling the product for you and then you get paid every time someone buys that product after clicking on an ad. This is really helpful because if you're trying to sell something yourself it can be hard to get buyers, but with passive income you can still make money. Passive income is helpful because you never know when things are going to slow down or stop. You could be making money right now but then if your passive income source shuts down the next day, you're still getting paid over and over again! Passive incomes are really nice because they pay you even when you're sleeping or not working at all. You can use passive incomes to scale your business from home and make more money from passive income.
This is just a list of passive income sources, but what I talked about before was passive income as a way to help you scale your business from home and make more money from passive income.
Watch the video for more details!
Thanks for watching!
Passive Income Timeline
00:00 Intro
00:21 Passive Income Idea #1
02:05 Passive Income Idea #2
03:38 Passive Income Idea #3
05:44 Passive Income Idea #4
07:25 Passive Income Idea #5
09:47 Passive Income Idea #6
11:54 Passive Income Idea #7
13:46 Conclusion
DISCLAIMER - Jayme and affiliates do not provide tax, investment, trading, legal or accounting advice. This content has been prepared for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, investment, trading, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, investment, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. Jayme is under no obligation to update the information in this presentation, and no representations are made the content and material contained herein is error-free.
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