Learn to be the master of your emotions 😤 Don't allow someone to anger you | Mindset 🧠

Learn to be the master of your emotions 😤  Don't allow someone to anger you | Mindset 🧠

Learn to be the master of your emotions 😤 Don't allow someone to anger you | Mindset 🧠

It's true. If someone can make you angry at the drop of a hat, that person has control over you at that moment.

And if this continues time and time again... it's just like he or she is your master.

Like a puppet master controls his puppets with strings...

If someone can walk up to you, and knowingly they can make you mad by saying something specific, and you will not be able to control yourself...well then, by definition they are controlling you at that moment.

This is what fuels bullies. Except instead of anger, they incite fear in their subjects.

I hate this mentality because I hate a bully.

Don't allow yourself to be controlled.

If you feel anger at the moment, like we ALL do initially when we are wronged... quickly realize that you do not have to stay in that state of anger.

Motivation today to learn to deal with your anger... quickly. Have a plan ready for when it happens to you next.

It's all about mindset.

Hope you all have a nice weekend.



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