Keith Woolard Camfil's Air Filtration Expert on Particle Size When Considering Air Filtration

Keith Woolard Camfil's Air Filtration Expert on Particle Size When Considering Air Filtration

Most particles larger than 50 microns in diameter, the diameter of a human hair, and smaller particles 10 to 40 microns in diameter will settle out of the air column within a few seconds, but particles smaller than that can take much longer to settle.
Five microns and below can remain suspended for hours, days, or even indefinitely because any movement of the air can keep them there.

However, it is the 2.5 micron and undersized particles that are the most dangerous.
In this range, viruses and bacteria can be found. When inhaled, these particles are so small that they are difficult to exhale and can enter your bloodstream through your lungs.
Therefore, when it comes to indoor air quality, the size of the particles is very important.

Are you willing to pretend that you are solving your filtration problem with an unproven or inferior product? Are you serious about a correct solution's health benefits?
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Name of the person: Keith Woolard
Americas Regional Product Manager - Containment and CamCleaners at Camfil USA
Washington, North Carolina, United States

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