Photos plants are the easiest plants to grow and thrive on low light. These plants serve to purify the air of formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide and many more it's also helping eliminate odors it can also help alleviate eye irritation due of too much staring at screens.
Common names:
devil's Ivy
golden photos
silver vine
taro vine
money plant
silver photos
Botanical name:
epipremnum aureum
1. low maintainance plant
2. easy to propogate
3. grows without sunlight
4. air purifying houseplant
5. it increase humidity
6. it's look great due the variegated bright yellow and green leaves are heart shaped and it's look so attractive
7. versatile plant because for decorative purposes like you can put on a shelve office desk table kitchen or even you can hang it in the window
8. Feng shui and vastu in Feng shui it consider it as an energy force that cleanse the negative energy while in vastu believe that this plant brings goodluck and possitive energy of our house
9. it's called devil's Ivy or money plant because it's hard to kill this plant and due the belief that it's bring goodluck and never be short of money if we have these in our house
10. calming effect in Japan some Japanese men found out that touching the leaves has a calming and peaceful effect on the mind
11. it absorbs CO2 & OZONE