Examine your Conscience based on The Seven Deadly Sins | How to?

Examine your Conscience based on The Seven Deadly Sins | How to?

Examine your Conscience based on The Seven Deadly Sins. Thank you to our members for making this video possible: https://www.youtube.com/99Catholics/join
In this video we want to teach an easy and simple way to do an examination of conscience based specifically on the seven deadly sins or capital sins. Let's remember that the examination of conscience is about remembering the sins committed and how many times each sin was done since the last good confession. Naturally, the examination of conscience is done before going to the sacrament of reconciliation with a priest.

0:00 What is an Examination of Conscience?
1) 2:20 Pride
2) 3:53 Greed
3) 5:48 Lust
4) 7:51 Envy
5) 9:13 Anger
6) 10:53 Gluttony
7) 12:16 Laziness

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Indeed, contemplation tends to create in us a vision of wisdom, to think, according to God, of reality and to form in us "the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2,16). "Do not live according to the criteria of the present time; on the contrary, change your way of thinking so that your way of living changes and you will come to know the will of God, that is, what is good, what is pleasant, what is perfect." (Romans 12,2)

#99Catholics #ExamineYourConscience #7DeadlySins

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Examine your Conscience based on The Seven Deadly Sinsexamine your conscienceseven deadly sins

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