5 Ways to Improve your DPS With Any Class in TBC Classic

5 Ways to Improve your DPS With Any Class in TBC Classic

5 Tips on how to do more damage in World of Warcraft TBC Classic with any class. In this Guide I give 5 quick strategies that I’ve learned over the years that you can use to do more DPS and Parse higher in WoW. This guide is intended for Beginner to Intermediate players, but there might be some useful information here for Experts as well. Let me know how you liked the edutainment style of video.

Twitch Stream: twitch.tv/Vinniez


0:00 Intro
0:40 1. Improve your Movement
1:50 Encounter Simulator
2:35 2. Improve your Keybindings
4:00 Changing your Capslock Key to Left Alt
5:09 3. Improve your UI
6:00 How to Find Good Weak Auras
6:58 4. Improve your Timing
8:50 Where to Find Strategies for Specific Fights
9:14 5. Improve your Teamates
10:29 Outro

Class Discords:

Druid: https://discord.gg/SMwmrBV
Mage: https://discord.gg/tEdQhsH
Paladin: https://discord.gg/Bqherze
Priest: https://discord.gg/exJacWb
Rogue: https://discord.gg/mkfKCBB
Shaman: https://discord.gg/VvBwBu2
Warlock https://discord.gg/D6TrRkq
Warrior: https://discordapp.com/invite/tgXsWMb
Warrior (Fight Club): https://discord.gg/RbCZJtw

Encounter Simulator Weak Aura: https://wago.io/QD7RTN-Wu

Sarthe Youtube Channel (Where I got the Rogue Weak Aura Originally):

DPSWoWWoW Classic

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