Most of us remember going to the zoo as one of the most exciting parts of our childhood. Until you grow up and realize that zoos really aren’t as fun as we might think. From animals starving to death to underpaid zookeepers and families being separated, here are 12 of the darkest secrets that zoos don’t want you to know about
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Animal Quarantine
While most of us think that zoos are sanctuaries where animals are always safe and protected. However, what most of us don’t know is the fact that animals can get pretty lonely here - especially for new animals. When animal transfers take place between zoos, these animals are placed in isolation for up to 30 days to prevent any diseases from transferring and while it might make sense, the new and scared animals really don’t do well when they’re quarantined far away from anyone else to the point where they might develop depression.
Roadside Zoos
If there’s anything worse than an actual zoo, it’s roadside zoos. These small zoos are meant to be quick stops for tourists where you get a chance to feed and play with the animals. But, because of their small size, roadside zoos often cram their animals into small, concrete pens with no space for them to stretch and play. Because these zoos aren’t accredited, it’s easy for them to get away with things like sedating their animals, chaining them and making them do painful tricks, and scaring them with constant human contact with the visitors at the zoo. So, the next time you see a roadside zoo, you might not want to stop and take selfies with the poor animals.
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