Schmigadoon!: Jane Krakowski Refused to Let Limited Space Hinder Tricky 'Gymnastics' During 11 O'Clo

Schmigadoon!: Jane Krakowski Refused to Let Limited Space Hinder Tricky 'Gymnastics' During 11 O'Clo

Countess Gabriele Von Blerkom doesn’t arrive in Schmigadoon! until Episode 5, but portrayer Jane Krakowski had been involved with the Apple TV+ comedy since its inception.  “I was lucky enough to be a part of the whole reading process… as the show was still being written and molded and created,” the 30 Rock vet tells TVLine. “It was a show that I loved the minute I read it, and then I met with [co-creator] Cinco Paul. I learned of his love of musicals, and the love with which he was going to [infuse] the show, and I wanted to be a part of it no matter when it got filmed — pre-pandemic, post-pandemic, whenever it was going to happen.”    The Countess — aka “Blerky” — is a rich debutante based on the Baroness from The Sound of Music… and may or may not be a Nazi. (Spoiler alert: She’s tot ...

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